University, Community, and Professional
Honors and Grants as Principal Investigator |
Service to University,
and the Profession
Honors & Grants
as Principal Investigator
- University
- Chair, Academic Functions Team, BANNER
Implementation ("AdviseaBull"),
1997- .
- Member, First Year Experience Committee,
- Process Co-Owner (with Jane Reed), BANNER
Transfer Articulation Workgroup, 1995-1998.
- Member, Graduate Admissions Process Review Team
(GART), 1994-1997.
- Ex-Officio Member, General Education
Council, 1995-1998.
- Ex-Officio Member, Academic Regulations
Committee, 1995-1998.
- Ex-Officio Member, Undergraduate Council,
- Ex-Officio Member, Council on Academic Advising,
1992- .
- Member, University Recognition and Awards Policy
Group, 1994-1995.
- Member, President’s Task Force on University
Values, 1994.
- Member, University Leadership Council (Cultural
Transition Team) 1993-1995.
- Member, Food Service Advisory Group,
- Member, University Enrollment Enhancement Team,
- Member, Faculty Staff Program Committee,
- Presiding Officer, Administrative &
Professional Council, 1993-1994.
- Vice Presiding Officer, Administrative &
Professional Council, 1992-1993.
- Member, Administrative & Professional
Council, 1990-1995.
- Chair, Systems Development Team, School of
Continuing Education, 1991-1995.
- Member, Marketing Team, School of Continuing
Education, 1992-1995.
- Chair, College Council, College of Arts and
Letters, 1986-1987.
- Chair, Research Council, College of Arts and
Letters, 1987-1988.
- Recording Secretary, College of Arts and
Letters, 1986-1987.
- Member, Grievance Committee, College of Arts and
Letters, 1983-1984.
- Member, Teaching Oversight Committee, College of
Arts and Letters, 1982-1983.
- Member, Computer Resources Allocation Committee,
College of Arts and Letters, 1982-1985.
- Chair, Ph.D. in Communication Development
Committee, 1985-1988.
- Faculty Advisor, Communication Council,
- Member, Salary-Promotion-Review Committee,
Department of Communication, 1983-1986.
- Executive Board Member, Center for
Organizational Communication Research, 1982-1988.
- Chair, Graduate Committee, Department of
Communication, 1982-1983.
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Community Service
- Member of the Board, Educational Development
Board, The Centre for Women, Tampa, 1994-1998.
- Deacon and active member, Carrollwood Baptist Church,
1994- .
- Keel Club Member, United Way, 1992-1997.
- Keynote Speaker, "Communicating Ethically,"
Florida Association of Private Investigators, 1989.
- Problem-Solving Workshop, Tampa Bay Apartment
Association, 1986.
- Keynote Speaker, "Seven Myths of Communication,"
Tampa Bay Apartment Association meeting, 1986.
- Keynote Speaker, "Communication Pragmatics: The
Essence of Living," Florida Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf,
- Forensics Tournament Judge, Florida Forensics
Program’s annual tournament for high school students, 1982-1989.
- Keynote Speaker, "Communicating with Gusto,"
Florida Printer’s Association, 1984.
- Communication Audit, Department of Environmental
Regulation, State of Florida, 1984.
- Communication Planning and Problem-Solving
Workshop, Florida Property Appraisers Association, 1984.
- Communication Effectiveness Workshop, Blue
Cross-Blue Shield of Florida, 1984.
- Member, Urban Development Division, Tampa
Chamber of Commerce, 1982-1985.
- Radio Program, "The Porter Report: A Business
Weekly," WUSF-FM, Radio Reading Service
(for the blind and physically impaired), 1982-1983.
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Professional Service
- Research Respondent, "Top Four in Applied
Communication Research," Southern Speech Communication Association Convention,
- Editor, Journal of Applied
Communication Research, 1986-1988.
- Research Critic, Applied Communication Research
Division, Speech Communication Association, 1986.
- Business Manager, Journal of Applied
Communication Research, 1984-1986.
- Manuscript Referee, Communication
Education, 1984-1985.
- Paper Referee, Communication Apprehension
Interest Group, Speech Communication Association, 1984.
- Research Critic, Top Three Program in
Communication Apprehension Research, Speech Communication Association, 1984.
- Research Critic, Graduate Student Research
Program, Florida Speech Communication Association, 1984.
- Research Critic, Organizational Communication,
International Communication Association, 1984.
- Senior Faculty Member, American Center for
Management Development, Sarasota, 1983-1985.
- Paper Referee, Organizational Communication,
International Communication Association, 1983.
- Paper Referee, Interpersonal Communication,
International Communication Association, 1983.
- Manuscript Referee, Communication
Monographs, 1982-1983.
- Manuscript Referee, Human
Communication Research, 1980-1984.
- Paper Referee, Instructional and Developmental
Communication, International Communication Association, 1980.
- Divisional Editor for Instructional
Communication, Human Communication Research,
- Editorial Board, Human Communication
Research, 1981-1982.
- Associate Editor, Communication
Quarterly, 1976-1978.
- Faculty Advisor, Public Relations Student
Society of America, Purdue Chapter, 1978-1982.
- Research Critic, Interpersonal Communication,
International Communication Association, 1976.
- Research Critic, Instructional Communication,
International Communication Association, 1976.
- Paper Referee, Organizational Communication,
International Communication Association, 1975.
- Paper Referee, Interpersonal Communication,
International Communication Association, 1975.
- Data Analyst and Director for Research, the
International Communication Association’s Communication Audit Project,
- Member, SCA Committee on Evaluating the
Computerization of Membership Rolls and the Placement Service, Speech
Communication Association, 1974-1975.
- "An Analysis of the ‘SCA Membership
Questionnaire:’ A Report to the SCA Membership," Speech Communication
Association Administrative Committee and the SCA Membership Committee, New
York, 1974.
- "The Field of Speech Communication—A Trend
Analysis of the National Journal Articles 1915-1971: Implications for the
Future," Speech Communication Association, Long Range Planning and Goals
Conference, 1972.
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Chosen as "Outstanding University Experience
Program Advocate," Division of Student Affairs, University of South Florida,
Chosen as "Outstanding Professor," Senior
Graduating Class, College of Arts & Letters, University of South Florida,
“Outstanding Graduate Professor,” Master’s
Candidate Class of 1988, Department of Communication.
Appointed by the President of Purdue University as
a Faculty Fellow, 1980-1982.
Awarded "Best Teacher" by the Purdue Student
Association, Spring, 1980.
Top Three Paper at the 1979 Convention of
the International Communication Association.
Top Three Paper at the 1973 Convention of
the Speech Communication Association.
Listed in Who’s Who Among Students in American
Colleges and Universities, 1968-1969.
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- "Market Strength Analysis of Bert Rodgers
Schools of Real Estate: A State Wide Study," Bert Rodgers Schools of Real
Estate, Sarasota, ($4,987), 1993-1994.
- "Image Analyses of Grey Oaks Development
Corporation Clients," Grey Oaks Development Corporation, Ft Myers, ($1500),
- "Customer Preferences in Optical Care as It
Relates to Radial Keratotomy," Vision 21 (Eckerd Corporation, Dr. Gillette
& Associates), ($3,478), 1993.
- "Operations and Team Development," Sara Cook
Library, University of South Florida, Sarasota ($2300), 1991.
- "An Analysis of Customer Satisfaction in the
Western United States," TRW-REIS, Anaheim & Phoenix ($6,085), 1991.
- "Communication Structure and Climate
Assessment," Department of Law & Mental Health, Florida Mental Health
Institute ($2600), 1990.
- "An Analysis of Public Perceptions of Needed
Public Works," Town of Longboat Key, Clarke Advertising & Public Relations
($5,700), 1989.
- "Analysis of Employee Communication Survey,"
TRW-REIS, Anaheim ($2,800), 1989.
- "A Longterm Marketing Study for the Manatee Eye
Clinic," Clarke Advertising & Public Relations, ($3,700), 1989.
- "Operations and Communication Management
Improvement," Division of Equal Opportunity, University of South Florida
($5554), 1988.
- "Data Analysis of Employee Communication
Survey," Lord Corporation, Erie Pennsylvania ($1024), 1988.
- "Training Needs Assessment of the Sarasota, St.
Petersburg, and Ft. Myers Campuses of the University of South Florida,"
Division of Human Resource Development ($1425), 1988.
- "Communication Structure and Climate
Assessment," Department of Crime and Delinquency, Florida Mental Health
Institute ($2499), 1987; with Elise A. Behnke.
- "The Florida Business Opinion Poll," Florida
Chamber of Commerce ($18,000), 1987, with Loyd S. Pettegrew.
- "A Training Needs Assessment," Division of Human
Resource Development, University of South Florida ($1150), 1987.
- "A Customer Profile of Brown Derby Customers,"
Brown Derby Restaurants, Inc. ($2800), 1986, with Loyd S. Pettegrew.
- "Training Needs Assessment," Division of Human
Resource Development, University of South Florida ($1700), 1986.
- "Career Development Needs Assessment," Division
of Human Resource Development, University of South Florida ($500),
- "Orientation Needs Assessment," Division of
Human Resource Development, University of South Florida ($3500), 1984.
- "Communication Audit of the Financial Aid
Office," Division of Human Resource Development, University of South Florida
($350), 1984.
- "Communication Audit of the Department of
Environmental Regulation, State of Florida," Department of Environmental
Regulation ($320), 1984.
- "Presentational Communication Skills," Division
of Human Resource Development, University of South Florida ($3956),
- "Interpersonal Communication Skills
Development," Division of Human Resource Development, University of South
Florida ($800).
- "Communication Research: Meeting the
Methodological Challenges of a Process Notion of Communication," Speech
Communication Association, University of South Florida, and Florida Atlantic
University ($3476), 1983.
- "Communication Audit of Bismarck Hospital,"
Bismarck Hospital, North Dakota, ($1278), 1982-1983.
- "Communication Audit of the Defense Information
School, Ft. Benjamin Harrison," TRADOC, Department of Defense ($6576),
- "Physician Communication Competence and Patient
Compliance," Purdue Research Foundation ($10,200), 1978-1980.
- "An Evaluation of the Department of Anti-Rape
and Sexual Assault Speakers’ Bureau: Analyses of Information Diffusion
Systems," Erie County (New York) Department of Anti-Rape and Sexual Assault,
sub-contract of an LEAA grant ($1441), 1977.
- "Ascertainment Study of Sexual Assault Knowledge
and Attitudes," Erie County (New York) Department of Anti-Rape and Sexual
Assault, sub-contract of an LEAA grant ($1824), 1976.
- "A Study of the Uses and Gratifications of the
Television Series Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman," State University of New York
Research Foundation ($750), 1976.
- "Development of Behavioral Objectives and a
Computerized Testing System for ‘Communication Theory’ (COM 337)," Faculty
Grants for the Improvement of Instruction, State University of New York
Research Foundation ($1780), 1975-1976.
- "The Effect of Racial and Sexist Prejudice Upon
Attitude Change, Credibility Perception, and Behavioral Response," State
University of New York Research Foundation ($970), 1975-1976.
- "Development and Analysis of the ‘SCA Membership
Questionnaire,’" Speech Communication Association and the State University of
New York Research Foundation ($425), 1974.
- "Development of a Classificatory Schema and an
Information and Storage Retrieval System for Analyzing Trends in Research
Methodology and Content Areas in the Field of Speech Communication
(1915-1973)," Speech Communication Association ($1800); with L.A.
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