Publications and Presentations  or

Academic Monographs & Book Chapters

Diagnosing Communication Networks, in C.W. Downs & A.D. Adrian Assessing Organizational Communication: Strategic Communication Audits, Guilford Press, New York & London, 2004, pgs. 187-209; with A.D. Adrian.

Conducting Network Analyses and Structural Communication Analyses in the Modern Organization, in C.W. Downs (Ed.), Auditing Organizational Communication, Scott- Foresman, 1988.

Theoretical Explorations: A Developmental Perspective on the Acquisition of Communication Characteristics, in L.L. Barker (Ed.), Communication in the Classroom: Original Essays, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1982, pgs. 39-54.

Interpreting the Audit, in G.M. Goldhaber and D.P. Rogers, Auditing Organizational Communication Systems: The ICA Communication Audit, Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall-Hunt, 1979, pgs. 54-159; text and computer output.

La Applicacion de las Computadoras a la Investigacion en Communicacion, Symposium Proceedings: I Symposium Internacional de la Communicacion, 1977, Monterrey, Mexico: I.T.E.M. University Press, pgs. 67-85.

Manual for the Porter (Purdue) Instrument Analysis System (PIAS); paperback offset, in-house, 46+ pages. Revised, 1981, 1997; 1983 for IBM FORTRAN; 1987 for IBM PC Compatible technology (MicroSoft FORTRAN 4.01).

Editorial Responsibilities

Editor, Journal of Applied Communication Research, 1986-1988.
Associate Editor, Communication Quarterly, 1976-1978.
Divisional Editor, Instructional Communication, Human Communication Research, 1977-1980.
Editorial Board, Human Communication Research, 1981-1982.
Manuscript Referee, Communication Education, 1984-1985.
Manuscript Referee, Communication Monographs, 1982-1983.
Manuscript Referee, Human Communication Research, 1980-1984.

Articles in Refereed Journals

The Validity of Communication Needs Assessment Journal of Applied Communication Research (Spring 1985), pgs. 59-69.

Communicator Style Perceptions as a Function of Communication Apprehension Communication Quarterly (Summer 1982), pgs. 237-244.

An Empirical Appraisal of the PRCA for Measuring Oral Communication Apprehension Human Communication Research (Fall 1981), pgs. 58-71.

Communication Apprehension: Communication’s Latest Artifact? in D. Nimmo (Ed.), Communication Yearbook III, New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Press, 1979; pgs. 241-249.

Organizational Communication: 1978 Human Communication Research (Fall 1978), pgs. 76-96; with G.M. Goldhaber, M.P. Yates, and R.H. Lesniak.

Reliability Made Simpler: Program “PIAS” CEDR Quarterly (Summer 1978), pgs. 7-11.

The Effects of Televised Consequences of Violence Upon Autonomic Arousal (Heart Rate) Communication Quarterly (Spring 1978), pgs. 57-63; with C.E. Wotring.

Toward an Idolatry of p Journal of Communication (Summer 1977), pgs. 238-239; article rejoinder.

Fifty-Nine Years of Publication in the Field of Speech Communication (1915-1973): A Content Analysis Association of Administrators in Speech Communication Bulletin (January 1975), pgs. 26-38; with L. Malandro.

Self-Report Scales of Communication Apprehension and Autonomic Arousal (Heart Rate): A Test of Construct Validity Speech Monographs (August 1974), pgs. 267-276.

An Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Racial Prejudice and Racial Perception Upon Communication Effectiveness Speech Monographs (June 1974), pgs. 179-184.

Affirmative Action and the SCA: Implications for Administrators in Speech Communication Association of Administrators in Speech Communication Bulletin (January 1974), pgs. 30-46.

A Criticism of “Heart Rate as an Index of Speech Anxiety” Speech Monographs (June 1973), pgs. 156-159; with G.P. Burns, Jr.

The Effect of Sex Composition of Small Groups Upon Risk-Taking: Replication and Extension Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology (Fall 1972), pg. 139; with J.M. Civikly.

Graduate Education in 1984: Bye, Bye American Pie? Today’s Speech (Summer 1972), pgs. 27-34; with J.M.Civikly.

The Effect of Video-tape Equipment Upon Oral Interpretation Performance Speech Teacher (March 1972), pgs. 99-108; with G.W. King.

Non-Refereed Media (Practitioner Outlets)

Writing Samples Inspired by the CLAQWA Cognitive Level Prompts in Cognitive Level and Quality of Writing Assessment Training Manual by T.L. Flateby and E.A. Metzger, 2001.  (see )

An Analysis of Employee Involvement Programs Journal of the International Association of Quality Circles (February 1983), pgs. 6-8.

Composition as Process: Theoretical, Methodological, and Pragmatic Implications Symposium Proceedings, Center for Composition Research, Purdue University, 1980, pgs. 14-25.

Toward a Mathematically Viable Formula for Estimating Reliability of Network Data Collection Conference Proceedings: Organizational Communication Conference, 1978, State University of New York, Buffalo, 1979.

The Image of the Candidates: A Communication Analysis of the 1976 Ford/Carter Debates Washington Post, C2, November 14, 1976; with G.M. Goldhaber, M.P. Yates, and J.K. Frye.

The Affirmative Action Questionnaire: A Final Note SPECTRA (June 1974), pg. 11.

The Affirmative Action Survey: An Interim Report SPECTRA (December 1973), pg. 13; with R.N. Hall.


Competitively Selected (Reviewed by Other Scholars Before Acceptance)

A Cauffective Model of Interpersonal Sequencing: An Ontologically Based Conception of Communication Interpersonal Communication Division, International Communication Association, Dublin, Ireland, 1990; with K.N. Cissna.

Evaluation and Communication Apprehension: Relative Roles in Student Performance Dysfunction Instructional Communication and Development Division, International Communication Association, Montreal, 1987.

Communication Apprehension and Evaluation Apprehension: Critical and Empirical Analyses of Competing Paradigms Interpersonal Communication Division, International Communication Association, Chicago, 1986.

Communication Apprehension and Evaluation Apprehension: A Theoretical Explication and Empirical Test of Competing Paradigms Interpersonal Communication Division, International Communication Association, Honolulu, 1985.

Communication Apprehension Context: Toward an Empirical Appraisal of Etiology Instructional Communication and Development Division, International Communication Association, Dallas, 1983.

Communicator Style Perceptions as a Function of Communication Apprehension Interpersonal Communication Division, International Communication Association, 1982; later published in Communication Quarterly (Fall 1982).

An Empirical Appraisal of the PRCA for Measuring Oral Communication Apprehension Interpersonal and Small Group Communication Division, Speech Communication Association, New York, 1980; later published in Human Communication Research (Summer 1981).

Communication Apprehension: Communication’s Latest Artifact? Interpersonal Communication, International Communication Association, Top Three Paper, 1979; later published in Communication Yearbook III (1979).

Organizational Outcomes as a Function of Communication Effectiveness Organizational Communication Division, Academy of Management, 1978; with G.M. Goldhaber, R. Falcione, M.P. Yates, and R.H. Lesniak.

Communication Apprehension Causation: Toward an Empirical Appraisal Instructional Communication and Development Division, International Communication Association, 1978.

Communication Apprehension: Replication and Extension of Key Findings Central States Speech Association, Chicago, 1978.

The Development and Validation of a Computerized System for the Estimation of Reliability for Measurement Systems Employing Interval or Ratio Data Research and Methodology Division, American Educational Research Association, New York, 1977; later published in CEDR Quarterly; listed in ERIC as Document No. ED 135-854.

Communication and Urban Environments: The Effects of Name Identification on Candidate Preference in a State Legislative Primary Election Political Communication Division, International Communication Association, 1975; with P.A. Andersen and F. Chadwick.

An Empirical Evaluation of the Communication Apprehension Construct — Study I: A Multivariate Analysis of the Effects of Communication Apprehension Upon Language Behavior — Study II: A Multivariate Analysis of the Effects of Communication Apprehension Upon Comprehension, Perceived Credibility, and Communication Effectiveness Ratings Interpersonal and Small Group Communication Division, Speech Communication Association, 1974; with R.J. Kibler and V.S. Freimuth; published later in Human Communication Research (Spring 1975), pgs. 289-298.

The Effects of Televised Consequences of Violence Upon Autonomic Arousal (Heart Rate) Mass Communication Division, International Communication Association, New Orleans, 1974; with C.E. Wotring; published later in Communication Quarterly (Spring 1978).

Self-Report Scales of Communication Apprehension and Autonomic Arousal (Heart Rate): A Test of Construct Validity Interpersonal and Small Group Communication Division, New York, 1973; Top Three Paper; later published in Speech Monographs (August 1974).

A Critical Review of Certain Theoretical and Methodological Issues in ‘Heart Rate as an Index of Speech Anxiety’ by Behnke and Carlile, SM (March 1971) Speech Communication Association, 1972; with G.P. Burns, Jr.; later published in Speech Monographs (June 1973).

The Effects of Prejudice Against Women and Sex Upon Credibility Perception and Opinion Shift Rhetorical and Communication Theory Division, Speech Communication Association, San Francisco, 1971; with W.P. Kotler.

Invited Papers (Selected Because of Special Expertise in Subject Matter)

A Workshop and Update on Communication Audits: Technique and State of the Art, a workshop/paper presented to the annual convention of the Southern Speech Communication Association, Memphis, 1988; with Cal Downs.

A Cauffective Model of the Duel Nature of Interpersonal Sequencing a paper presented to the annual convention of the Southern Speech Communication Association, Memphis, 1988; with K.N. Cissna.

The Journal Editor’s Perspective on “Publishing” a paper presented to the annual convention of the Florida Speech Communication Association, Clearwater, 1987.

A Manner of Matter: Explorations in Operationalizing the Aesthetic Act Oral Interpretation Studies, joint meetings of the Southern Speech Communication Association and the Central States Speech Association, St. Louis, 1987; with L.W. Dunklin.

Applying a Communication Background to Training and Consulting Florida Speech Communication Association, Jacksonville, 1986.

The Contributions of Systems Theory to the Study of Communication in Organizations Public Relations Division, International Communication Association, Chicago, 1986.

The Contributions of James E. Murdoch’s Analytical Elocution to the Study of Kinesic Studies in the Twentieth Century Florida Speech Communication Association, Melbourne, 1984.

Measuring Communication Effectiveness  TRW Employee Communication Conference, Cleveland, 1982; with C.A. Sawko.

Critical Trends in Instructional Communication: The Single Most Viable Trend in Instructional Communication Should Be . . . The Development of a Processual Model of Communication Competency Instructional Communication and Development Division, International Communication Association, 1982.

Composition as Process: Theoretical, Methodological, and Pragmatic Implications   Composition as Process Conference, West Lafayette, Indiana, 1980; later published in Symposium Proceedings: Center for Composition Research.

The Future of the ICA Communication Audit Organizational Communication Division, International Communication Association, 1979; with R. Falcione, G.M. Goldhaber, and D.P. Rogers.

The ICA Communication Audit: 1979 Norms and Instrument Documentation for Seventeen Audits Using the Survey (1974-1979) Organizational Communication Division, International Communication Association, 1979.

Conceptual Frontiers in Communication Apprehension Interpersonal Communication Division, International Communication Association, 1979.

Communication Research Methods for the Public Affairs Officer Public Affairs Conference of the Department of Defense, Ft. Harrison, 1978; with D.C. Nelson.

Student Evaluations of Communication Courses Instructional Communication Division, Eastern Communication Association, 1978; with T. Clevenger, W. Todd, and J. Sargeant.

Toward a Mathematically Viable Formula for Estimating Reliability of Network Data Collection Organizational Communication Conference, Buffalo, New York, 1978; later published in Conference Proceedings of the Organizational Communication Conference at SUNY, Buffalo.

“Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman:” Perceptions of a Unique Media Phenomenon Undergraduate Honors Conference, Rutgers, 1977.

The ICA Communication Audit Survey Instrument: 1977 Organizational Norms Organizational Communication Division, International Communication Association, Berlin, 1977; with G.M. Goldhaber and M.P.Yates.

The Development and Preliminary Validation of the ICA Communication Audit Methodologies Organizational Communication Division, International Communication Association, Portland, 1976; with G.M. Goldhaber, M.P. Yates, G. Richetto, and H. Dennis.

Communication Apprehension: A Neglected Variable in the Study of Social Behavior and the Social Sciences Conference of the Center for the Study of Cultural Transmission and Meaning, State University of New York, Buffalo, 1975.

Classroom Identification of the Apprehensive Student Instructional Communication Division, Speech Communication Association, Houston, 1975; with V.S. Freimuth.

La Applicacion de las Computadoras a la Investigacion en Communicacion Symposium Internacional de la Communicacion, Monterrey, Mexico, Instudo Technolgico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 1975; later published in Symposium Proceedings: I Symposium Internacional de la Communicacion.

Instructional Communication Division: A Needs Assessment of the Division Instructional Communication and Development Division, International Communication Association, 1975.

Affirmative Action, the SCA, and the Profession Headquarters Sponsored Program, Speech Communication Association, 1973; later published in Association of Administrators in Speech Communication Bulletin.

A Trend Analysis of Subject Areas and Research Methodologies in the Field of Speech Communication (1915-1971) Using an Information Storage and Retrieval System Speech Communication Association, 1972; with L.A. Malandro; later published in Association of Administrators in Speech Communication Bulletin.

Graduate Education in 1984, “1984,” or Bye, Bye American Pie? Instructional Communication Division, International Communication Association, Atlanta, 1972; with J. M. Civikly; later published in Today’s Speech (Summer 1972).